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1 Dana emlekmusor az M1-en (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
2 Tuntetes az USA klimapolitikaja ellen (mind)  43 sor     (cikkei)
3 worldwatch allaspont Bush elnok Kyotoi elutasitasara (mind)  87 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: *** HIX KORNYESZ *** #915 (mind)  81 sor     (cikkei)
5 energia es kornyezet (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
6 Felhivas (mind)  91 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Dana emlekmusor az M1-en (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

aprilis 19-en, du. 4-kor (az idoponty meg nem tutti) az M1-en Donella Meadows e
mlekmusor lesz a Fold Napja alkalmabol.  TObbek kozott egy, meg sosem vetitett 
vele Magyarorszagon forgatott beszelgetes is musoron lesz.

+ - Tuntetes az USA klimapolitikaja ellen (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

(en csak tovabbitom az alabbiakat, kerlek informaciokert ne hozzam forduljatok.

>Védjük meg Földünk éghajlatát!
>Az Egyesült Államok feladta az 1997-ben Kiotóban vállalt kötelezettségeit
az üvegház gázok csökkentésével kapcsolatosan. Ezzel a lépéssel nyíltan
bevallotta, hogy az olajvállalatok érdeke fontosabb az amerikai kormány
számára mint Földünk és az éghajlat védelme!
>Ezt nem engedhetjük!
>2001. április 10-én du. 16.30-kor
>tiltakozó megmozdulást
>Helyszín: az Egyesült Államok Budapesti Nagykövetsége (Szabadság tér)
>Mindenkit szeretettel várunk!
>A tüntetés szervezésében részt vállaló szervezetek számára szervezoi
megbeszélés lesz
>2001. április 5-én, csütürtükön 16 órakor az Ökoszolgálat irodájában
(Budapest V., Vadász u. 29.)
>További részletek: Fidrich Róbert (MTVSZ), tel: 216-7297, drótlevél:
>Egyetemes Létezés Természetvédelmi Egyesület (ETK), Magyar Természetvédok
Szövetsége (MTVSZ) ,
>Levego Munkacsoport, NIMFEA,  Rügyecskék Alapítvány, Védegylet
+ - worldwatch allaspont Bush elnok Kyotoi elutasitasara (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Opinion piece by Worldwatch Institute President, Christopher Flavin on
the US' rejection of the Kyoto Protocol. 

This is available for reproduction, citing Author and Institute


President Bush has breathed new life into the global effort to combat
climate change. In Europe, shock has turned to anger over Bush's hasty
rejection of the Kyoto protocol.  His rejection has also fostered a new
determination to bring the protocol into force - without the US if

>From Europe to China, consensus is growing that the world cannot afford
to wait another decade for a new climate protocol to be drafted.  From
the ice cap at the North Pole, which has lost 40 percent of its
thickness in the last decade, to the coral reefs near the Equator,
one-quarter of which have been killed by rising ocean temperatures and
other stresses, the Earth is telling us that we are entering an era of
dangerous climate change that is already threatening human populations
around the world.  Already, economic damage from natural disasters has
reached $608 billion over the last decade-as much as in the previous
four decades combined.  

By rejecting the Kyoto Protocol, the Bush administration has put the 180
countries that are co-signatories in an unenviable position. Reducing
America's insatiable appetite for fossil fuels is essential to
stabilizing the earth's climate. 

The U.S. accounts for nearly one-quarter of global carbon dioxide
emissions and is doing little to control them. Since 1990-the base year
for the Kyoto Protocol-U.S. emissions have grown by an additional 13
percent.  In Europe, emissions have only increased by one percent.
Growth in U.S. emissions over the last 10 years equal combined emissions
increases in China, India, and Africa-rapidly developing regions that
between them have a population that is more than ten times that of the

Although President Bush has argued that the Kyoto Protocol could damage
the U.S. economy, not implementing the treaty would actually be more
damaging. The Bush administration, with its deep personal and financial
ties to the fossil fuel industry is attempting to turn the country back
to oil and coal-the energy sources of an earlier era.  This will be a
costly economic mistake. In the end, those countries that address
climate change earliest will dominate the massive new energy technology
markets of the new century-and create millions of jobs in the process.

Already, a number of countries are moving rapidly to pursue a new
generation of 21st century energy technologies such as fuel cells, wind
turbines, and solar electric generators.  In Europe, the market for wind
power and other renewable energy technologies is growing at double digit
rates-and provides over 10 percent of the electricity in some regions.

Although it encourages these fundamental changes, the Kyoto Protocol
isn't perfect.  Ironically, this is largely because of loopholes
insisted on by the previous U.S. administration.  But a responsible U.S.
government would have joined other governments in the now three-year
effort to improve and complete that agreement, rather than insist on
starting over because one of 180 governments had a change of heart.

Indeed, Kyoto is all that's now standing between us and a future of more
severe storms and rising sea levels.  It is time for Europe, Japan, and
other nations to call the U.S. bluff and adopt the Protocol. 

For many decades, the world has relied on the United States to lead the
way in international environmental agreements.  But that hope is now
gone.  Unlike the Clinton administration, whose opposition to Kyoto was
tentative and opaque, the Bush administration's opposition is crude,
unambiguous, and will not be reversed.

But now other countries, pushed together by the arrogant actions of the
US administration, are preparing to take a greater leadership role.
Europe is being joined by Japan, which appears to have been pushed by
the Bush Administration to abandon its traditional alliance with the
United States on climate policy.   

In an interesting twist, some in Europe are now arguing that President
Bush's sharp rejection of the Kyoto protocol may have actually improved
the chances that it will be adopted at a decisive meeting in Germany
this July.  

Christopher Flavin is President of the Worldwatch Institute in
+ - Re: *** HIX KORNYESZ *** #915 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Gyuri, Tomi-mivel erdekel futtabol begyujtottem egy "ismertetot" a faradt ura
> http://www.medact.org/uraniumbrief2.html 
> Dr. Behar szerint a faradt uraniumbol keszult fegyvereket 1991-ben a Desert S
torm akciba hasznaltak eloszor.
> Allitolag 300 es 800 tonna kozott volt a felrobbantott DU lovedekek szama.  K
onkluziot lemasoltam -  angolul - mert
> nincs idom leforditani.  Erdekes lenne ezt osszehasonlitani az ENSZ jelentess
el.  Szeretnem a figyelmet felhivni az
> kovetkezokre:  "New experimental evidence is against this hypothesis."  - nem
 hiszem hogy az emberi metbolizmus
> valtozott az utobbi 10  evben.  Ki tudja talan "ingatlan spekulacio" kozpontj
a lesz a "fertozott" terulet.  :-)))))


>  a) The known toxicity of DU by ingestion and inhalation includes chemical to
xicity for the  kidneys (similar to
> other heavy metals, such as mercury) as well as its radiological risk for the
  lungs. b) Minimal radiological risks
> for the lung are now well established under AMAD and DPUI guidelines. This ri
sk is two and a half times less than
> standard values but still significant. c) Because of their pyrophoric effects
, weapons armed with depleted uranium
> are specifically dangerous through the toxic smoke created by the impact.  In
 this case the major group at risk  is
> soldiers on active service.

Mi a faradt uranium?
2. What is DU
 Definition According to the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (3) DU is a silv
ery metal, which is  pyrophoric (capable
of igniting spontaneously) when finely divided. DU contains 0.2% of  uranium 23
5, and 99.75% of uranium 238. DU has
been used in radio-protection devices, as it  is more effective in absorbing ra
diation than lead. DU has a specific
activity of 3,900 Bq/g for  alpha particles, about half that of natural uranium

Mi a DU kemiai toxicitasa
 3. Chemical Toxicity of DU
Oral Ingestion The minimal risk level for intermediate-duration ingestion is an
 oral uptake of 1  mg of uranium per kg
body weight per day. For a body weight of 70 kg this minimal chronic dose corre
sponds to 26 mg per year (7). Zamora (8)
reported a study of chemical effects on the human kidney induced by the chronic
 ingestion of uranium, in a group that
drank water with a  uranium level varying from 2 to 781 mg/l (with a dose from 
0.004 to 9 mg/kg body weight per day).
They concluded that: "the present investigation suggested that long term ingest
ion of uranium by humans may produce
interference in kidney function".

Inhalation Stokinger et al (9) studied the effects chronic inhalation in dogs. 
They found that a  uranium concentration
of 0.15 mg/m3 in air produced no observable adverse effects. From this figure t
he "minimal risk" inhalation level for
humans of mg/m3, incorporating a number of safety factors, is derived.

 Sugarzasi   veszelyek
 4. Radiological Risks of
Oral Ingestion The dose factor for ingestion of insoluble DU is 6.42 E-09 Sv/Bq
 for adults, or 0.08 mSv/g according to
ICRP 60/61 recommendations. The annual dose limit for the public corresponds to
 12.5 g of ingested uranium, and for
radiation workers to 250 g. The dose factor for ingestion of soluble forms of D
U is 2.58 E-08 Sv/Bq for adults or 0.32
mSv/g (4 times higher  than for insoluble forms).

Inhalation ICRP 60/61 gives a dose co-efficient of 3.19 E-05 Sv/Bq for inhalati
on of insoluble  forms of DU for adults.
These factors are based on an "activity median aerodynamic  diameter"(AMAD) of 
1 mm. The annual dose limit for the
general public corresponds to 1.2 mg of inhaled DU, and for radiation workers 2
3.8 mg. These values are in accordance
with a model based on the hypothesis that all particles of uranium smaller than
 5 mm in diameter can become
permanently trapped in thelungs. New experimental evidence is against this hypo
+ - energia es kornyezet (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Sziasztok !

Ha valaki tudna ajanlani valamit  targyban
emlitett temaban, azt koszonettel fogadnam.

Elore is koszonom mindenkinek.

Minden jot, 
+ - Felhivas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kerjuk, olvassak es terjesszek a kovetkezo felhivast minel szelesebb korben!
Aki szeretne segiteni a szervezesben (pl. plakatozasban), orommel vennenk
a jelentkezeset!

Kajner Peter


Magyarorszag fovarosat ostromgyurube fogta az ingatlan-spekulacio. 
Budapestet es kornyeket sorra fosztjak meg maradek zoldteruleteitol. 
Kuzdelem folyik: hazrol-hazra, utcarol-utcara, Pest kozterein ugyanugy, mint 
 a budai kertekben es a kozeli telepuleseken. Tomegevel irtjak a fakat, 
roncsoljak Europa talan legszennyezettebb levegoju fovarosanak tudejet. 
Nem kimelik a varos arculatat meghatarozo regi epuleteket sem. Pusztul 
mindaz, ami a varost es videket vonzova teszi. A lakossag tiltakozasaval 
senki sem torodik.

A Fold Napjan, 2001 aprilis 22-en, vasarnap a Vedegylet bucsujarasra hivja 
Budapest lakoit. Felkeressuk a barbar modon lerombolt hazak helyet, 
megtekintjuk az irgalmatlanul elpusztitott kerteket. Bocsanatot kerunk a 
kidontott faktol, amelyeket nem tudtunk megoltalmazni.

Kerjuk, tartson velunk! Emeljen szot on is varosaert! Tanuskodjunk egyutt

a lelkiismeretlen rablogazdalkodas ellen!

Fel 10-kor talalkozunk a Budakeszi ut 51/b. sz. alatti kapolna mogott, a 
domboldalon. (Megkozelitheto a 22-es autobusszal: Vizmuvek megallo) Itt 
hozzuk nyilvanossagra  rovid sajtotajekoztato kereteben az 
Orszaggyuleshez intezett nyilt levelunket a fovarosi zoldteruletek 

Varjuk a kornyek lakoit utunk tovabbi allomasain is:

         a II.keruletben

         a Harshegyi uti lakopark-epitkezeseknel,

         a Budakeszi ut 51. elott,

         a Labanc utca 15-nel,

         a XII.keruletben

         a Csillagvolgyi uton.

Jojjenek el azok is, akiknek fenyegetett lakohelyet nem tudjuk a nap 
folyaman felkeresni,  a Zivatar utcabol, a Csonak utcabol, a Diosarokbol, az 
Istenhegyi utrol, a Biro utcabol, Pesthidegkutrol stb.stb.! Az emlektura elore 
lathatolag delutan 2 oraig tart.

Delutan 4-kor az agglomeracios telepulesek kornyezetvedoi talalkoznak 
Budakeszin, a 22-es busz vegallomasan, ahonnan egyutt indulunk az 
Alomvolgybe. A telek-uzerek ide is hatalmas lakotelepet terveznek. Egyike 
ez azoknak az esztelen epitkezeseknek, amelyek Pesthidegkut-
Erzsebetligettol a Tetenyi fennsikig betonsivatagga valtoztatjak a termekeny 
budai dombvideket

Ha nem akarunk megfulladni, utjat kell allnunk a dozereknek!

Alomvolgyi gyulesunkon  a tennivalokrol tanacskozunk. Felszolal itt tobbek 
kozott Illes Zoltan, az Orszaggyules Kornyezetvedelmi Bizottsaganak elnoke 

Kiranduljon velunk a Fold Napjan!


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