Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 FW: [tanc-L] 1% (mind)  132 sor     (cikkei)
2 FW: [tanc-L] 1% (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
3 Fw: [tanc-L] Herrang informacio a nyari lindy taborrol (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
4 Lindy weblapok (mind)  606 sor     (cikkei)
5 FW: farsangi bal (mind)  57 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: [tanc-L] Lindy weblapok (mind)  46 sor     (cikkei)

+ - FW: [tanc-L] 1% (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> From:	Marina [SMTP:]
> Kedves Balázs!
> Minden sportegyesület az Alapszabálya szerint működik (vagy legalábbis
> kellene működjön). Betartatása az egyesületi felügyelő bizottság, vagy ha
> ilyen nincs, az egyesületi taggyűlés feladata.
> Nem szükséges, hogy tevékenysége a közhasznúsági törvényben felsoroltak
> közé
> essen, bár az 1997. évi CLVI. tv. (a közhasznú szervezetekről) 26. par.
> 14.
> pontja szerint a sport, a munkaviszonyban és a polgári jogi jogviszony
> keretében megbízás alapján folytatott sporttevékenység kivételével
> közhasznú
> tevékenységnek minősül, tehát a tisztán sport-tevékenységet folytató
> egyesületek folyamodhatnak a megfelelő igazolások birtokában a közhasznúvá
> nyilvánításért.
> A személyi jövedelemadó 1 %-ának kérése vagy jogosult felhasználása nem a
> közhasznú tevékenységtől függ elsősorban.
> Minden olyan társadalmi szervezet folyamodhat a törvény szerint ezért a
> támogatási lehetőségért, amely már
> 1. több, mint három éve megszakítás nélkül azonos tevékenységi körben
> működik;
> 2. közvetlen politikai tevékenységet nem folytat, szervezete pártoktól
> független és azoknak anyagi támogatást nem nyújt (vagyis a fent
> hivatkozott
> Tv. 4 par. előírásainak eleget tesz);
> 3. APEH és VPOP igazolásokkal bizonyítja, hogy aktuális köztartozása nem
> áll
> fenn.
> Az egyesületi pénz lenyúlása egy sokkal bonyolultabb kérdéskört vet fel.
> A legtöbb egyesületben nem tisztázottak a következők:
> 1. Az egyesületnek ki a tagja és ki csak a versenyzője, esetleg egy vagy
> több személy egyidejűleg mindkettő-e;
> 2. Az egyesület tagságában vannak-e választott tisztségviselők,
> tevékenységük a tagsági viszonyból és/vagy az esetleges versenyzői
> jogviszonyból fakadó helyzettel az adott esetben összeférhető-e;
> 3. Ha és amennyiben az egyesület elnöke (képviselője, főtitkára,
> képviseleti
> jogú tisztségviselője, stb.) azonos személy az egyesület szakmai vezetését
> ellátó vezető táncpedagógussal vagy edzővel (koreográfussal) /AZT
> VALAMI ILYESMI LEHET A HELYZET NÁLATOK/, akkor van-e az egyesületnek az
> illetővel arra szerződése, hogy az edzéseket saját begyűjtésű bevételek
> fejében pl. vállalkozásban vagy megbízási jogviszonyban maga, saját
> felelősségére vezesse, felügyelje és szervezze meg, azon túl, hogy
> társadalmi funkcióként az egyesület vezetésében közreműködik?
> A legtöbb gond abból szokott lenni, hogy az egyesület tagjai nem ismerik
> az
> egyesületi Alapszabályt, minden teendőt és feladatot az adott egyesülettel
> fogalmilag azonosító edzésvezetőre/tánctanárra hagynak, akinél
> összekeverednek az egyesület és a saját, edzésvezetői közreműködése
> dolgai.
> Ha valaki elvégzi ebben a minőségében a dolgát, megtartja az edzéseket,
> elkészíti az új számokat, edzéstervet, stb., akkor ezért
> magánvállalkozóként
> vagy az egyesület megbízottjaként díjazásra jogosult. Az egyesület adózása
> szempontjából szerencsés, ha az edzésdíjakat (ahol van ilyen közvetlenül
> fizetett formában) nem az egyesület szedi be a versenyzőktől, mert az
> adóköteles bevétele volna. Az edzésdíj nem azonos és nem is lehet
> összekeverhető az egyesületi tagdíjjal!
> Nem szükséges, hogy valamely egyesület non-profit szervezet legyen. Az,
> hogy
> egy sportegyesület társadalmi szervezet, még lehetővé teszi, hogy saját
> működésének költségeihez vállalkozásból szerezzen jövedelmet. Bár ettől az
> egyesület nem non-profit a szó hagyományos és adójogi értelmében,  még
> elsődleges célja a sporttevékenység marad.
> Ha az egyesület szervezete (közgyűlés, felügyelő bizottság) működik,
> nehezen
> elképzelhető olyan helyzet kialakulása, amelyben az edző "lenyúlja" az
> egyesület pénzét. Ez azonban elsősorban az egyesület tagjaitól függ! Az
> egyesületnek minden évben saját költségvetéssel kell rendelkeznie, és
> minden
> évet követően zárómérlegét a közgyűléssel el kell fogadtatnia (többek
> között).
> Feri megdöbbenése teljesen érthető, mert a felvetés ebben a kontextusban
> azt
> engedi sejtetni, hogy az adott esetben a fent részletezett alapfogalmak
> kapcsán valamilyen hiányosság vagy ismerethiány áll fenn, ami a mai
> világban
> alapos ok a megdöbbenésre. Többek között az ilyen helyzetek teljes
> felszámolására céloztam korábbi üzeneteimben, amikor leírtam, hogy a
> táncsportbna MINDEN EGYESÜLETNÉL teljes szemléletváltásra lesz szükség,
> továbbá több csoportnál TELJES ÁTALAKULÁSRA, és bizonnyal lesznek olyanok
> is, akik inkább a szabadidősport területén folytatják, mert az itt
> szükséges
> és a továbbiakban számonkért/ellenőrzött tevékenységet és működést sokan
> nem
> fogják kívánni - olyanok is lesznek nyilván, akik erre nem is képesek.
> A magam részéről készséggel nyújtok segítséget akár alapító okirat, akár
> egyesület-alapítási jegyzőkönyv szövegezése és szükséges tartalma, akár
> versenyzői szerződés kapcsán. A legfontosabb azonban mindenképpen az
> volna,
> hogy első lépésben a Sporttörvényt olvassák el azok, akik nem értik, minek
> hogyan kell átalakulnia.
> Tudom, hogy a legtöbb táncostól a papírok és jogszabályok világa távol
> áll,
> és sokakat megtéveszthetnek, ha valamilyen logikusan elfogadható
> hivatkozást
> vagy magyarázatot kapnak. A most szükségessé váló átalakulás után ez már
> lényegesen kevésbé lesz így.
> Sportbaráti üdvözlettel:
> Barna Attila
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: dasdas >
> To: >
> Cc: >
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 6:27 PM
> Subject: [tanc-L] 1%
> > Szia
> >
> > >7.) Milyen sportörvényi vagy jogszabályi vonzata van annak, ha egy
> tanár
> > kisajátitja az egyesülertetét és a befolyó pénzt >"lenyúlja"?
> >
> > Tulajdonképpen hogy működik egy TSE ?
> > Ha az adónk 1% kérhetik tőlünk, akkor gondolom
> > közhasznú és nonprofit. Van joga a tagságnak
> > belelátni a könyvelésbe ?
> > Kötelesek elszámolni a tagság előtt ?
> >
> > Balázs
+ - FW: [tanc-L] 1% (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> From:	Marina [SMTP:]
> Kedves Feri!
> Lehet, hogy szükséges volna egy teljeskörű alap-tájékoztatás a
> sportegyesületek felállását, szervezetét és működését illetően?
> Ha szükségesnek látod, és tudok benne segíteni, készséggel teszem.
> Sportbaráti üdvözlettel:
> Barna Attila
+ - Fw: [tanc-L] Herrang informacio a nyari lindy taborrol (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> http://www.rhythmhotshots.com/hdc/
> A vilag legnagyobb tanctabora ismet jelentkezik a nyari
> programmal, lindyt, boogie-woogiet es szteppet oktatnak
> egy honapon keresztul. Ha nincs eleg penzed lehet
> a kavezoban, a boltban, a konyhan vegzett munkaval
> fizetni, szallas ingyen van a suliban, a szauna koedukalt,
> mit mondjak meg :-))
> Viking

"Munkat vallalni" -egy het melo egy het ingyen kurzus - termeszetesen
csak azok tudnak akiknek megfelelo szinten van az angol tudasuk!
Ez a lehetöség korlatozott, mar azert is mert sokan jelentkeznek
regi lindysek a "fejlett" orszagokbol is.A munkahelyek szama pedig
keves a jelentkezok szamahoz kepest.
A kurzusra kimenni a koltsegek tetemes volta ellenere is erdemes.
Az elmeny, a tudas, a hangulat, a hajnalig tarto bulik egyedülálloak
a vilagon.Az ember mindig visszavágyik.(En 1993 ota hatszor voltam
mar Herraengben ugy, hogy mas nemzetközi kurzusokra is rendsze-
resen ellatogatok)Az sem elhanyagolhato, hogy szemelyesen
Frankie Manning is oktat (iden majusban lesz 87 eves!!).
Remelem, egyre tobb magyarral is talalkozhatok iden Svedorszagban!


Janicsek Ga'bor
+ - Lindy weblapok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kertek hogy adjak reszletesebb tajekoztatot a Herrang-i taborrol. Nem latom
ertelmet leforditani a szoveget, a tancoktatas angolul folyik, aki ide jon
annak jol kell tudnia angolul, tehat az alabbi szoveg megertese nem okozhat
problemat. Tanulsagos dokumentum, igy kell profi modon megszervezni egy
En mar voltam egyszer es rendszeresen jarok a penteki bulijaikra hiszen csak
100 km-re vannak Uppsalatol. 

The Herräng Dance Camp
July 7 - August 4, 2001
presented by
The Rhythm Hot Shots
Welcome to the worlds largest and most comprehensive African-American dance
camp - and welcome to Herräng, Sweden, a small one-horse town located by the
sea about 100 kilometers north of Stockholm.
Herräng Dance Camp (HDC) has throughout the years developed into a
kaleidoscopical melting pot, surrounded by elastic frames and a most
international atmosphere. It goes on day and night, this year starting on
July 7, closing on August 4, 2001.
Dance classes are taught on a weekly base in the following three dances
(beside some additional evening classes):

Lindy Hop - Boogie Woogie - Tap

A big share of the worlds leading teachers will be there. A big share of the
worlds swing dancers will be there. Cordially welcome for a week or two. We
venture to assert an interesting and quite different experience in the
borderland of organized chaos and complete escapism.

 The basic idea for an individual week is that all classes and levels should
get the possibility to meet all teachers scheduled to teach the discipline
in question. However: if more students than expected show up during a
certain week, we might very well have to ask some of the teachers to focus
only on some of the classes and some other teachers to focus only on other
classes. This arrangement normally becomes a necessity during one or two of
the weeks at the camp. At first it might look like a disadvantage, but
please also keep in mind what situation we would face without this
arrangement. Because of the fact that we different weeks have different
constellation of teachers, the material taught will vary from week to week.
This is decidedly and on purpose and hopefully a good advantage for those
interested to be in Herräng for more than one week. 

Every group has an average of 4 hours of teaching every day (Sunday -
Friday), totaling 24 hours during a week. The classes are normally 1 hour 20
minutes and spread within the interval of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sometimes extra
classes (lectures, films, history etcetera) are added to the ordinary
schedule. Based on our experiences from previous years, week 29 and
especially week 30 normally are the most busy ones. This does not mean that
the two flank weeks are empty, but it is a clear indication for those having
a strong preference in either of the directions. Please keep this
information in mind when comparing the different weeks. Members of TRHS
<http://www.rhythmhotshots.com/members.html>; will be teaching in both Tap
and Lindy Hop in accordance with the following program.
The aim for all classes in Lindy Hop and Boogie Woogie, except Competition &
Show-level, is to pass on the dances mainly on a social basis. No partner is
needed to participate, all levels will be based on partner rotation. For
applications for Competition & Show and Mini-Herräng however, you need a
permanent partner to attend. Please also notice that the only class where
airsteps will be taught is Lindy Hop Competition & Show during the last week
of the camp. Both Boogie Woogie Competition & Show (week 28) and Lindy Hop
Competition & Show (week 31) will be held on an approximately
IntermediateAdvanced - Advanced level; Lindy Hop Competition & Show will
furthermore also be devided into two groups: one for the more experienced
dancers and one for those with less experience. These two groups will be
taught only by Carla Heiney - Steve Bailey and TRHS (Ĺsa Palm - Mattias
Lundmark), accordingly these two couples will not teach at the general
program during week 31.
Week 28 (July 7 - 14) 
Lindy Hop: Angela Andrew, Malvina Dunne, Diane van Haaren, Rob van Haaren,
Frank Manning, Simon Selmon and The Rhythm Hot Shots. 
Boogie Woogie: Päivi Järvinen, Marie Nahnfeldt, Christiane Stanowski, Hasse
Mattsson, Patrick Outers and Dieter Stanowski. 
Tap: Chazz Young and The Rhythm Hot Shots. 
Special Guests: George Reed and Minnies Moochers. 
Class Alternatives: Lindy Hop Beginners
Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate 
Lindy Hop Intermediate 
Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
Boogie Woogie Beginners - BeginnersIntermediate
Boogie Woogie Intermediate - IntermedAdvanced 
Boogie Woogie Competition & Show 
Tap Beginners
Week 29 (July 14- 21) 
Lindy Hop: Lisa Ferguson, Diane van Haaren, eWa Staremo, Rob van Haaren,
Peter Loggins, Frank Manning, Mo from Orange County and The Rhythm Hot
Boogie Woogie: Ann Isberg, Barbara Kaufer, Christer Isberg, Marcus Koch. 
Tap: Annette Lefterow. 
Special Guests: Dawn Hampton, George Reed, Chazz Young and Minnies Moochers.
Class Alternatives: Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate 
Lindy Hop Intermediate 
Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
Lindy Hop Advanced 
Boogie Woogie BegIntermediate - Intermediate
Boogie Woogie IntermediateAdvanced - Advanced
Tap BeginnersIntermediate
Week 30 (July 21 - 28) 
Lindy Hop: Sharon Ashe, Lisa Ferguson, Carla Heiney, Ann Isberg, Erika
Schriber, Janice Wilson, Steve Bailey, Christer Isberg, Stefan Joller, Peter
Loggins, Frank Manning, Paul Overton, Chester Whitmore and The Rhythm Hot
Tap: Mo from Orange County and Chazz Young. 
Special Guests: Dawn Hampton and Minnies Moochers. 
Class Alternatives: Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate 
Lindy Hop Intermediate 
Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
Lindy Hop Advanced 
Lindy Hop Advanced Plus 
Tap Intermediate
Week 31 (July 28 - Aug 4) Mini-Herräng: July 28 - 31
Lindy Hop: Sharon Ashe, Carla Heiney, Maggie Moon, Frida Segerdahl, Janice
Wilson, Steve Bailey, Kevin St. Laurent, Paul Overton, Chester Whitmore,
Fredrik Ĺberg and The Rhythm Hot Shots. 
Tap: Skip Cunningham and Chester Whitmore. 
Special Guests: Dawn Hampton, Frank Manning, Chazz Young and Minnies
Class Alternatives: Lindy Hop Intermediate 
Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
Lindy Hop Advanced 
Lindy Hop Advanced Plus 
Lindy Hop Competition & Show (2 groups) 
Tap IntermediateAdvanced - Advanced (1 group) 
Mini-Herräng Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate 
Mini-Herräng Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
Mini-Herräng Boogie Woogie BeginnersIntermediate
Mini-Herräng Boogie Woogie IntermediateAdvanced

 Wandering Astronauts 
Below is our list of teachers and guests who have the intention to spend
shorter or longer parts of their summer in Herräng. The schedule is as
comprehensive as ever and undoubtedly one of the finest line-ups to be found
anywhere. Exactly when an individual teacher is to expect on spot, please
click here to see an outline of all alternatives.

Angela Andrew, London Sharon Ashe, Oakland
Malvina Dunne, London 
Lisa Ferguson, San Pedro 
Dawn Hampton, New York
Carla Heiney, Washington 
Ann Isberg, Älta
Barbara Kaufer, Munich
Annette Lefterow, Lidingö
Maggie Moon, Berkeley
Marie Nahnfeldt, Sthlm
Erika Schriber, Pratteln
Frida Segerdahl, Halmstad
eWa Staremo, Solna 
Päivi Järvinen, Helsinki

 Christer Isberg, Älta 
Stefan Joller, Pratteln
Marcus Koch, Munich 
Peter Loggins, San Pedro
Frank Manning, Corona
Mo from Orange County
Paul Overton, Oakland
Simon Selmon, London
Dieter Stanowski, Thyrnau
Chazz Young, Las Vegas
Fredrik Ĺberg, Stockholm
Patrick Outers, Verviers
Steve Bailey, Washington
Janice Wilson, Harlem
George Reed, Elmira 
Kevin St. Laurent, San Francisco
Diane van Haaren, San Mateo
Rob van Haaren, San Mateo
Christiane Stanowski, Thyrnau
Skip Cunningham, Hollywood
Hasse Mattsson, Stockholm
Chester Whitmore, Hawthorne
Minnies Moochers, Ithaca

Beside the listed instructors above, the members of The Rhythm Hot Shots
will be teaching classes all four weeks.
The Rhythm Hot Shots (TRHS) Ulrika Ericsson, Eva Lagerqvist, Catrine
Ljunggren, Ĺsa Palm, Ulrika Thulin, Hanna Zetterman, Benedikt Furrer, Eddie
Jansson, Mattias Lundmark and Lennart Westerlund.

 One-Way Depots of Energy
A few years ago surrounding facilities started to become an important part
of the camps infrastructure. Below is a short presentation of our main
services for the summer to come:
Bar Bedlam Cosy hang-out for fashionable flappers and shady hoofers. Open
more or less 24 hours a day and located right in the middle of where
everything seem to happen. 

Café Blue Moon The indisputable king of cakes and pastries, the lemonade
drinkers paradise. During daytime also tasty lunches on the menu. This year
also including an extended area for private dinners and meetings. 

Lindy Hop Shop This is the place where you can sell and buy all kind of
dance related things. For a commission of 20% we are happy to include your
articles in the assortment. 

Limousine Service In the first place a pick-up service for students arriving
at Arlanda Airport and in need of transportation to Herräng or later on vice
versa. As much as time admits we are also happy to carry out other
transportations related to the camp. Apply here!

Bike Rental Our nowadays famous high-quality line of bikes is once again
ready for some exercise. The steel horses can be rented for private use for
SEK 20 per day. Please notice that no pre-booking is possible for this
Clinique Massage The camp normally offers two or three different main
methods of treatment: naprapathy, massage plus for instance acupuncture or
chiropody. This service will be open every day of the camp. 

Video Service Produces the yearly HDC-video. Four hours of high-quality
holiday memories including both instructions and social life at the camp.
Price is SEK 400 and pre-bookings can be made in the Lindy Hop Shop
throughout the whole camp.

 Life goes Party 
The Herräng Friday Night Parties has throughout the years been a permanent
source for peculiarities and general dĺrpipperier.
One year the place was packed with men dressed like women and women that
were dressed like men, another year the swedish police came to check on
something but ended up as a part of the party because of their nice
It is however probably possible to say without exaggerating that both the
camp facilities and all participants have in an accelerating
 tempo become more and more colourful and up-to-date with the different
themes. This tradition and development also points into the future: the
parties are not only dance evenings, they are also theme nights, fragments
of theatre and masquerades. We will do our best to take care of and succeed
with the frame work, the rest is up to you.
 Herräng Pirate Party 
Week 28, Friday July 13 at 9 p.m. In the comic book world male pirates are
normally dressed in cross-striped shirts, wooden legs and transversed
Napoleon hats with white shining skull and cross-bones. There seem to have
been very few, if any, female pirates around so what they looked like is up
to the imagination of all female party pariticipants. Otherwise this
evenings main problem might be to avoid being keel hauled or forced to walk
the strake.

Herräng Health Resort Week 29, Friday July 20 at 9 p.m.
To drink crystal clear water from deep wells, dress up like a carrot or take
strengthening mud baths have always been a natural part of the swedish
health culture. In Herräng however, we not only look into the heritage from
our ancestors, we also move into the future presenting new revolutionary
methods and also pointing out unexplored futuristic concepts. All details
are not fixed when this is written, but everyone can be 100% convinced about
the high quality of different treatments and eatables that will be offered
this evening.

Love Love Love Week 30, Friday July 27 at 9 p.m. 
It is an official secret that throughout the years the Herräng atmosphere
has inspired Amor to shoot too many arrows in too many directions and
sometimes also at the same time. Delicate problems and confusion has often
been the result. This year we have however, to avoid the above
circumstances, decided to dedicate a special evening to the subject and
under organized forms help and support all inquiries and expectations in
line with the theme. 

Herräng Olympic Games Week 31, Friday Aug 3 at 9 p.m. With a little help
from some influential lobbyists the village of Herräng has managed to win
the election of the next olympic games. There has been rumours around
telling that Athens in Greece was next in line but we hereby can deny them.
Instead, Herräng was choosen and because of the impatient nature of the
inhabitants, the games will take place in 2001 rather than 2004. We believe
however that these games might have some new inventive branch of athletics
that we are sure will be both interesting to watch and to participate in.
 Minimalistic Menu 
Mini-Herräng, which made its first appearance a couple of years ago, is an
exclusive alternative for kids of age between approximately 10 and 15.
This choice offers 3 days (July 29-31) with 4 hours of teaching (totaling 12
hours), and is a good alternative for the younger swing dancers. Important
to notice is that all participants need a permanent partner to attend (we
sometimes try to assist "singles" to find someone temporary). The
disciplines and levels that we offer are Lindy Hop and Boogie Woogie, both
on BeginnersIntermediate and IntermedAdvanced level.The classes will be
taught by some of our ordinary working or visiting teachers.

The fee for Mini-Herräng is SEK 600 per person. This price includes all the
teaching but also accommodation (alternative HDC or Camping)
 Also in the price included is access to all general facilities and
arrangements. The check-in will take place on Saturday July 28 between 3
p.m. and 6 p.m. Food (breakfast and dinner) can be bought from us at special
price: SEK 300 per person (from dinner Saturday evening to breakfast Tuesday
morning); pre-bookings can be made on the ordinary application form. Parents
who possibly want to hang around are of course welcome to do so. We can
offer free accommodation (HDC or Camping) and access to all facilities and
arrangements within the camp. 
Accommodation At the camp we can offer three different alternatives for
accom-modation. The difference between them can be if not enormous so at any
rate considerable. We advice you to spend at least a minute or two reading
the below: 
Accommodation HDC (free) No-budget alternative where we provide you with
mattress, comforter/quilt and pillow (please bring sheets and pillow case);
the accommodation itself is together with other students in bigger rooms or
empty apartments. Nothing luxury is to expect from this alternative but
definitely a social alternative...
Accommodation Camping (free) We have access to a small camping ground right
in the middle of where the camp is. The alternative is okay for both tents
and caravans/trailers (electricity is available); public showers and
lavatories/bathrooms are just around the corner.
Accommodation Private (extra cost) If you know that the HDC- or Camping
alternatives are nothing for you, we can also offer private housing. This
alternative comprises many different objects from smaller cottages or
unfurnished rooms to nice family houses. The prices are normally not too bad
but the access is limited. If you`re interested to find out more about the
existing alternatives, please call Marie Sörqvist at our office in Stockholm
and she will assist you to find something suitable.
Application Applications/Enrollments to the camp can be made either
electronically, by fax or by ordinary mail <registrationform.html>; kindly
try to avoid leaving applications on our answering machine. Please try to
send us your application no later than June 11, 2001; if we have vacancies
late-comers are also welcome to sign up until the course in question begins.
As soon as we have received your appli-cation we will confirm by sending our
final information which also includes further details around the camp. 
Arrival/Departure A weeks program in Herräng starts with check-in on
Saturday afternoon (between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.) and ends with check-out at
noon on Saturday one week later. 
Food The camps food quality has throughout the years been surrounded by
different opinions. A couple of years ago it touched the bottom but in
recent years there seem to have been some progress made. However, year 2001
will be the year when the food of HDC will more or less step into the Guide
Michelin. Our aim is to employ a first class chef, tell him what it`s all
about and then let him get loose with all his pots and pans. Without a
shadow of a doubt we are willing to guarantee that something new and
positive will happen in the kitchen this year. The price for the food will
be kept at the same as last year, SEK 800 per person and week (include 7
breakfasts and 7 dinners starting with dinner on arrival-Saturday and ending
with breakfast on departure-Saturday). If you have never tried buying the
food from the camp before, this is the year to start!
Prices/Payment The fee for a week at the HDC 2001 is SEK 3000 (dancers born
1985 or later pay SEK 2400), with the rate of today (December 5, 2000)
equivalent of USD 312, GBP 215 or DEM 688. For students staying more than
one week the above prices will reduce with SEK 300 (second week), SEK 600
(third week) and SEK 900 (possible fourth week). 
Food HDC (breakfast and dinner) will cost SEK 800 for a week (from
arrival-Saturday dinner to departure-Saturday breakfast). Please make a
preliminary indication on the Application Form whether you`re interested or
not to buy the meal plan once you are in Herräng. Single meals will mostly
be possible to buy on an individual basis.

Please do not send us any money in advance! We are interested and grateful
to receive your payment but not until you are in Herräng. At the camp we
will accept cash (any convertible currency), travellers cheques and
certified bank cheques.
Transportation If we choose Stockholm as our reference point, Herräng is
located about 110 kilometres north, close to Hallstavik. Buses are leaving
frequently from downtown Stockholm (change of buses once or twice; time
approximately 2 hours 30 minutes), information can be picked up from +46 (8)
600 10 00. Another alternative is to book our Limousine Service directly
from the Arlanda Airport to Herräng (SEK 250; takes about 1 hour 15
Limousine Service Transportation from or to Arlanda Airport will cost SEK
250 one way and has to be booked no later than 48 hours in advance
<limousineform.html>. Please notice that it´s only possible to book
transportations from Arlanda at this point; trips to Arlanda can only be
booked directly at our office in Herräng once you are there.
Important Observations 
In the following a couple of important observations made during the past
years of the camp...
A week in Herräng can be anything from a wee breeze to a revolutionary
experience close to the edge of total exhaustion or serious introspection.
Habitués know from experience the law of nature and can often easily handle
the balance between activity and complete silence. Beginners are very often
eager to participate in all activities from early morning until late night,
but might very well end up panting on their backs completely exhausted. It
sounds so easy but from experience we also know what can happen - there can
be a big difference between a smiling arrival face and a departure shadow.
The below lines are not written because we want to become your Herräng
parents, instead they are just a small reminder in the marginal: HDC is
basically open 24 hours a day - classes normally fill the daytime; the
evenings and nights are more up to you: dinner, a nap, meeting - 9 o'clock -
practise some steps, a lecture followed by a film - midnight -take a shower,
dress up, social dancing, ice-cream in the café - 3 o'clock -social dancing,
game of pool in the bar, chat with some friends, sauna - 6 o'clock ... At
this time there is no return: the sun will be shining bright, breakfast is
about to be prepared and your first class might become a catastrophy...

Since a couple of years Herräng seems to be more and more an international
concern. Last year more than 70% of the students came from other countries
than Sweden. We are very happy and grateful for this situation and we
strongly consider this being the camps most valuable asset both for us as
organizer and for you as our guest. In consequence of this there is normally
very little swedish spoken in Herräng during the summers and all classes and
lectures etcetera are since many years held in English.

If looking at the camp from the outside it`s sometimes hard to know if there
is an organization existing or not. We have never been interested to plan
everything in detail, instead we have been trying to support, also from a
students point of view, a participating and very often most improvised
atmosphere. This system has some disadvantages but also, and in our opinion
they are dominating, a lot of advantages. We will therefore continue to
support this "organized chaos" and, in accordance therewith, also in the
future try to back up students initiatives and spontanous proposals. So if
you have ideas about how to improve or add to the camp in the future, please
do not hesitate to be in touch with our office either before or during the
camp. We are very happy to bring additions or changes to what`s already

Every year a lot of optimistic students are trying to register for more than
one course per week. And every year we have to tell the same thing: one
course per week is full-time! Very few dancers would be able to get
something out of more than 4 hours of classes per day, and very few schedule
constructors would be able to succeed making a program that would fit all
possible combinations during a certain week. 

More and more dancers seem to be interested to be in Herräng while the camp
is running. Most of them are taking classes but larger and larger groups of
people are also "hanging around" having holidays and only joining the
evenings. Historically HDC has been supporting a most of the time very
generous policy towards all kind of visitors and our future purpose is to
try to continue to do so. But, and this is a necessary but, sometimes the
camp might be completely sold out; if we run into this situation we might
have to close the camp and the surrounding facilities for visitors. This is
absolutely not what we want to do but it`s probably better that we are clear
at this point from the very beginning rather than giving possible visitors a
bad surprise later on. However, to set things straight and simple: if there
is space at the camp (please check in advance with our office in Stockholm
or later on in Herräng), visitors are more than welcome to join in and
participate in the evenings (entrance fee, SEK 100). We are basically very
happy for the interest that seems to be around the event and we´re also
pleased to see the future HDC as a cosmopolitical meeting place and yearly
happening rather than just another dance camp.

Herräng Dance Camp 2001
Printable Registration Form
Please complete the following registration form and 
send it to Fax No. +46-8-643 40 58.

IMPORTANT: Please notice the three following observations:
1) Use one registration form per person
2) Register for only course per week (= full time)
3) The food indication is only preliminary
Complete Postal Address: 
Phone (daytime) 
Phone (evening) 
E-Mail Address 
I wish to receive further information i.e. my confirmation
  by E-Mail   by Regular Mail  
WEEK 28 (July 7- July 14) 
 Lindy Hop Beginners
 Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate
 Lindy Hop Intermediate
 Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
 Boogie Woogie Beginners-BegIntermediate
 Boogie Woogie Intermediate-IntermAdvanced
 Boogie Woogie Competition & Show
 Partners Name: 
 Tap Beginners
I participate in my class as a 
 Leader   Follower
Food Ordinary /egetarian /one
Accommodation TRHS Accommodation /rivate Accommodation/Camping
 WEEK 29 (July 14 - July 21) 
 Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate
 Lindy Hop Intermediate
 Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced
 Lindy Hop Advanced
 Boogie Woogie BegIntermediate-Intermediate
 Boogie Woogie IntermAdvanced-Advanced
 Tap BeginnersIntermediate

I participate in my class as a 
 Leader   Follower  


 TRHS Accommodation
 Private Accommodation
WEEK 30 (July 21 - July 28) 

 Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate
 Lindy Hop Intermediate
 Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced 
 Lindy Hop Advanced
 Lindy Hop AdvancedPlus
 Tap Intermediate

I participate in my class as a 
 Leader   Follower


 TRHS Accommodation
 Private Accommodation

WEEK 31 (July 28 - August 4) 

 Lindy Hop Intermediate
 Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced
 Lindy Hop Advanced
 Lindy Hop AdvancedPlus 
 Lindy Hop Competition & Show
 Partners Name: 
 Tap IntermediateAdvanced-Advanced

I participate in my class as a 
 Leader   Follower


 TRHS Accommodation
 Private Accommodation

MINI HERRÄNG (July 28- July 31) 

 Lindy Hop BeginnersIntermediate
 Lindy Hop IntermediateAdvanced
 Boogie Woogie BeginnersIntermediate
 Boogie Woogie IntermediateAdvanced
 Partners Name: 

I participate in my class as a 
 Leader   Follower 


 TRHS Accommodation
 Private Accommodation
+ - FW: farsangi bal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> From:	mcslsz [SMTP:]
> Tisztelt Webmester!
> Láttam programajánló internet oldalukat, s a felhívást, hogy
> újakat is lehet hírül adni.
> Ezúton szeretném tehát figyelmébe ajánlani a Magyar 
> Cserkészlány Szövetség 2001. február 17-én du. 6-tól, kb. 
> 22 óráig tartandó bálját.
> Belépő elővételben 400 Ft, helyszínen 500.
> Helyszíne: Bp., III. Toronya u. 33. Klubház
> (megközelíthető: az 1-es ill. a 17-es villamos Bécsi úti 
> végállomásától három megálló a 137-es busszal)
> A programok között szerepel táncház, standard tánc, zenés 
> ill. prózai előadások, világító buzogány előadás, 
> jelmezverseny.
> Szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt!
> Kérjük, amennyiben lehetséges, programunkat az internetre 
> felrakni szíveskedjék.
> Köszönettel és tisztelettel, 
> Breck Marianna
> bál szervező
> mobil: 06 30-242-02-44
> MCsLSz
> 1136 Balzac u.21.
> Tel.(üzenetrögzítő): (1) 3400-383

           A Magyar Cserkészlány Szövetség                 	Programok: -
          "Emlékezés napi" bált rendez
- standard táncok 
          2001. február 17-én 18 órától, melyre
- zenés, táncos  
         Önt és Családját sok szeretettel várja.
és prózai előadások 
- jelmezverseny  
           Helyszín: Budapest, III. ker.
- "fény a sötétben"    
           Toronya u. 33. (Klubház)
(világító buzogány -
           Belépő ára: elővételben 400,- Ft.

                           helyszínen 500,- Ft
Jegyelővétel és információ a
         Jelmezbe öltözés tetszés szerint!			       vagy
a 34-00-383-as üzenetrögzítőn.
+ - Re: [tanc-L] Lindy weblapok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

----- Original Message -----
From: Lajos Hajdu >
To: >
Cc: >
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:20 AM
Subject: [tanc-L] Lindy weblapok


Vikingnek igaza van!Aki pedig személyes infot akar, utazasi
vagy egyeb tanacsot, en is szivesen allok rendelkezesre!
Meg egyszer, Herraengben Sztepptanc, Lindy Hop es
Boogie- woogie tanfolyamok vannak.4xl hét, naponta
3x 80 perc, azaz 4 ora okitas.Minden este buli, valamint
fakultativ programok, köztük egyéb tancoktatas is (pl blues
balboa, St. Louis Shag, stb).
Herraeng egy kis falu kb 500 lakossal, amihez nyaron
hozzajon meg kb 500 udulo es kb 500 tancos.A falubeliek
jol birjak a gyürodest. Ejjel nappal zene.
A falu a tenger parton fekszik. Van kis yacht es vitorlas kikotoje,
strandja. A tengerviz igazan friss es udito, a legrekkentobb Sved
"hosegben" sem haladja meg a 20 C fokot! Van ezen kivul egy kis edesvizu
to is a Muv Haz mögött 50 m-re!Engedely nelkul lehet horgaszni.
A szunyogokat hagyomanyos modszerrel irtjak (tenyerek rendszeres
osszecsapasa).van beloluk eleg!
Egyeb swing, Lindy Hop info: www.swing.ch

mindegyik honlapon rengeteg linket talalni!Erdekes torteneti leirasokat,
stb.Singapurtol New Yorkig mindent meg lehet talalni!


Janicsek Ga'bor

Kertek hogy adjak reszletesebb tajekoztatot a Herrang-i taborrol. Nem latom
ertelmet leforditani a szoveget, a tancoktatas angolul folyik, aki ide jon
annak jol kell tudnia angolul, tehat az alabbi szoveg megertese nem okozhat
problemat. Tanulsagos dokumentum, igy kell profi modon megszervezni egy
En mar voltam egyszer es rendszeresen jarok a penteki bulijaikra hiszen csak
100 km-re vannak Uppsalatol.