Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
Tobb panasz erkezett hozzam mostanaban, hogy cikkek elvesztek.  Ha ilyesmit
tapasztaltok, akkor irjatok nekem vagy Jozsinak.  Meg egyszer: ha valamit
kimoderalnek (ilyenre meg nem volt eset, esetleg valtoztatasokat kertem), akkor
szolok elotte; tehat ha egy cikketek eltunik, akkor probalkozzatok ujra. 
Moderator (Diana)
1 Environment and economics - Magyarorszagnak (mind)  78 sor     (cikkei)
2 Energia-privatiza'cio' (mind)  107 sor     (cikkei)
3 itt a Dunaszaurusz cikk szovegenek elso resze (mind)  169 sor     (cikkei)
4 utoirat (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Environment and economics - Magyarorszagnak (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ehhez mit szoltok?

Environment and economics

Frances Cairncross, environment editor of The Economist, urged
Hungarian journalists to analyze environmental issues from the
perspective of economics. "The balance of costs and benefits is one
way in which one can think about the environment from an economist's
point of view." Using this language, journalists will be able to more
effectively communicate the importance of a healthy environment to
policy makers, business people, and general readers. She mentioned
three types of costs that can be used for comparing a clean
environment to a dirty one: 

1.costs to health (e.g. sickness caused by air pollution), 

2.costs to the economy (e.g., reduced industrial production because
water is too corrosive to be used for cooling machines) 

3.intangibles (e.g. the beauty of a landscape, the clarity of water
in a lake). 

Cairncross explained that her background in economics is partly
responsible for her views on how economic policies can be used for
improving the environment. "The other way in which my approach has
allowed me to develop something new is by thinking about the
importance of environmental policy to companies." According to
Cairncross, "Companies need to see that there is a consumer demand
for products that do less environmental damage. If people can be
persuaded to buy cars already fitted with catalytic converters,
companies will make those cars." Government regulations and
incentives, such as fines for polluters and rewards for
non-polluters, are two other instruments that can be effective, she

Cairncross stressed that healthy skepticism is the most important
tool of analysis for journalists, who must ask "the most important of
all journalistic questions, Why not the other way around? When
something is explained to you as cause and effect, always ask
yourself, Might the opposite really be true?"

While speaking about how accurate and timely information is "the core
of news," Cairncross pointed out that good information is not enough
for journalists; it must also be presented in a way that is
digestible by non-specialists. She said that Hungary's biggest
problem is that "everything is underfunded. Universities are
underfunded, non-governmental organizations are underfunded, think
tanks are underfunded; all the places from which information might be
generatedNinformation that is reasonably independent and that
journalists could use as a building block for a storyNall those
places find it difficult to produce work. But another problem is the
difficulty of getting those experts who do research, who come up
with the findings, to package it in a way that is really accessible
to busy journalists."

Cairncross made these comments while speaking to Hungarian
environmental journalists during a workshop in Budapest on 27
January 1995. 

Monthly Media Update, February '95, Vol. 2.1

Monthly Media Update is published by the Media Resource Service of
the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe. It
is available on request to journalists from Central and Eastern

Media Resource Service
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
Miklos ter 1.
Budapest 1035, Hungary
+ - Energia-privatiza'cio' (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Reakcio'k Diana 48. sza'mbeli reakcio'ira :-):

(ba'r, u'gy tu"nik, az e'rdeklo"de's nem o'ria'si, e's fe'lek, az ala'bbi 
hozza'szo'la's is kicsit szakmaira sikeredett)

Az nem baj, hogy szakmaira sikeredett.  A Kornyesz egyik fo celja, hogy keretet
biztositson a szakmai vitaknak.  Es mint mostanaban tobb HIXen is megirodott,
egy-egy HIX kozonsege sokkal nagyobb, mint az aktivan irok csoportja -- tehat
sokkal tobben olvasnak egy cikket, mint amennyien hozza is szolnak.  Tehat amig
'van hely', addig a szuken szakmai temak is nyugodtan elfernek.  Raadasul,
ezzel az irasoddal legalabb jobban megfelel a Kornyesz a fennti iras
javaslatainak...(veletlen egybeeses, amugy...)
:-) Moderator

> D: Azzal, hogy a lakossag egy resze mar most sem tudja kifizetni a
> villanyszamlat, nem azt ertettem, hogy akkor nem kell az energia-arakat annyi
> helyrerakni, hogy globalisan valamennyire tukrozzek a koltsegeket.  Hanem az,
> hogyha ez csak a piaci farkastorvenyek alapjan fog tortenni, az:
> 1. sem az energiafogyasztast nem fogja mar erdemben csokkenteni
> 2. sem szocialisan nem elfogadhato.

Nem e'rtem, mi a baj a farkasto"rve'nyekkel? Ha szerinted a piac a'ltal 
dikta'lt energiaa'r (persze tudom, hogy 
itt valamife'le szaba'lyozott, 2nd best monopolpiacro'l van szo', az 
energiaella'ta's terme'szetes monopo'liumot teremto" technolo'gia'ja 
miatt) nem jo', de kiva'na'tos, akkor mi a jo'?

> Magyarazat: mivel az energia-arak mar olyan nagy szazalekokat ugrottak az
> utobbi evekben, mar a keresleti gorbe nem elasztikus reszen jarunk erosen. 
> Tehat a nep sanyargatasa tovabbi arelszabaditasokkal nem fog az
> energia-takarekossag konyhajara hozni, annal is inkabb,
> mert csak azoknak a szama no, akik egyszeruen nem fizetik ki a szamlaikat. 

Sajnos, nem tudom az energia-a'rak pontos alakula'sa't az elmu'lt 10 e'vben, 
(aki tudja, tegye meg, hogy bege'peli),  de az az e'rze'sem, hogy 
rea'le'rte'kben (infla'cio'val korriga'lva) nem volt olyan drasztikus. 
Ezt az e'rze'st valo'szi'nu"leg inka'bb az kelti, hogy a ha'ztarta'sok 
kiada'sa'nak viszonylag nagy sza'zale'ka megy el ga'zra/villanyra. 

Az, hogy a "va'llalva a dolog kocka'zata't e's mindenfe'le ko~ltse'geit, 
nem fizetem a sza'mla't", mint helyettesi'to" jo'sza'g, mennyiben 
befolya'solja a ke'pletet, atto'l fu~gg, hogy hogy ne'z ki a keresleti 
go~rbe'je. U'gy ke'pzelem, inka'bb a szege'nyek szorulnak ra' a 
nem-fizete'sre, ma'rpedig o"ket lehet 'es kell kompenza'lni az 
a'remele'se'rt. Az energia-ki'me'lo" megolda'sokra valo' a'tte're's 
viszont inka'bb a gazdagabbakto'l e's a va'llalatokto'l va'rhato' el, o"k 
fu~tenek, vila'gi'tanak to~bbet. Ha valaki a Ro'zsadombon nem fizet, 
az azt mutatja, hogy az enrgiaella'to' va'llalatnak nem nagyon van 
jogi leheto"se'ge behajtani a tartoza'sokat. De az is lehet, hogy 
miuta'n nem a "piac farkasto"rve'nyei" hajtja'k, nem va'llalja a 
ve'grehajta's o'diuma't me'g ott sem, ahol jo' ese'lyei lenne'nek a 
behajta'sra. Me'g egy e'rv a privatiza'cio' mellett.    
De aka'rmi is a nemfizete's hata'sa, akik fizetnek, azokat a magasabb a'r 
igenis takare'kossa'gra o~szto~nzi.

Az energiakereslet 
elaszticita'sa'na'l pedig e'rdemes megku~lo~nbo"ztetni a ro~vidta'vu' 
a'rrugalmassa'got (nem hagyom e'gve a villanyt a konyha'ban) a ko~ze'p- 
e's hosszu'ta'vu' adapta'cio'to'l (amikor fridzsidert v. ha'zat veszek, 
inka'bb fizetek to"bbet egy alacsony fogyaszta'su' hu"to"e'rt/ jo'l 
ho"szigetelt falake'rt, termelo"ke'nt az energiatakare'kosabb 
technolo'gia't haszna'lom). Nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy ez a 
fajta a'r-rugalmassa'g is olyan cseke'ly. Persze ez nem mutatkozik meg 
ro~gto~ni keresletcso"kkene'ske'nt. De ha az, a zo~ld bu~nteto"-ado'k is 
hata'stalanok lesznek, nem?

> Tehat az arakat mar nem megengedheto piaci alapon elszabaditani, hanem egy
> tudatosan megtervezett arstrukturat kell kidolgozni. -- Vegulis az energiarak
> sehol a vilagon nem a puszta piaci torvenyek kuzdoterenek
> eredmenyei, hanem MINDENHOL a vilagon kemeny politikai celok szolgalataban
> allnak. (bel- es kulpolitika; gazdasagpolitika; kornyezetpolitika;
> szocialpolitika, stb.) 

Az, hogy az energia'rak alakula'sa'ba beleszo'l a politika bizonyos 
me'rte'kig (terme'szetes monopo'lium korla'toza'sa) *lehet* gazdasa'gilag 
raciona'lis (nem biztos, hogy az, mert az a'llam a'rszaba'lyzo' 
funkcio'ja is vezet vesztese'gekhez).

Az is valo'szi'nu", hogy, ha a politikusok ma'r beleszo'lnak az a'r 
alakula'sa'ba, nem bi'rja'k mega'llni, hogy ne tegye'k a szavazatoke'rt 
folyo' birkoza's egyik eszko~ze've'. 

De ez, szerintem, nem jo', e's nem ko~vetendo".

Azt pedig, hogy az energiaa'rak mie'rt lenne'nek jo' eszko~zei 
pl. a 
szolcia'lpolitika'nak (azaz a javak igazsa'gos u'jraelo'szta'sa'nak) 
tova'bbra sem e'rtem. Hiszen az energiafogyaszta's (nem gyo"zo~m 
hangsu'lyozni) egyenesen ara'nyos az e'letszi'nvonallal. Tesse'k a 
szege'nyeket ma'ske'pp ta'mogatni.


Va'radi Bala'zs
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
e-mail: 	mail: 293-A Mansfield Street
phone: 	203-789-2095			      New Haven, CT, 06511 USA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - itt a Dunaszaurusz cikk szovegenek elso resze (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter, azert, hogy ezt Te tenyleg bepotyogted... Nem semmi (jo hosszu...).  Ha
lenne Kornyesz kulondij, az elsoben Te reszesulnel...

Igyekeztem betu szerint begepelni, de lehet 
benne nehany elgepeles, es nem alltam meg egy-ket helyen magyar 
nyelven kommentalni az egeszet. ezt azonban < > jelek kozott tettem 
meg. (ha sikerult, ezt azonban nem biztos, hogy mindig igy is 
sikerult vegrehajtanom...) 
A cimeket mindig kulon sorba irtam, ures sorokkal elvalasztva 
a kornyezetuktol. 

Az ujsag, amelyben mindez szep kepekkel illusztraltan olvashato, a 
kovetkezo (az impresszumbol idezek):

Business Europa
alcim: Central European Business Magazine.

Issue No.11
February/March 1995.
Business Europe is published bi-monthly by: Central European Business 
Ltd, a member of the Walden Publishing Group.
2 Market Street
Saffron Waldon
Essex CB10 1HZ, England

ISSN 0966-3541

Business Europa welcomes your letters-critical or favourable. Send 
them to:

The Editor
Business Europa
2 Market Street
Saffron Walden
Essex CB10 1HZ, UK
Fax:+44 (0)1799 524805

a sorminta utan kezdodik a cikk (sajna a kommentarjaimmal)


Since 1953, VVB -an engineering, state-owned enterprise- has 
developed and supervised the construction of water-management 
structures in Slovakia. Its areas of expertise include the water 
supply for irrigation and technological purposes (dams and 
reservoirs), the generation of electricity (water power stations), 
navigation (canals and locks), water-course protection and flood 
protection (flood levees, weirs, pumping stations, drainage and 
irrigation canals), fresh water supply systems (water sources, 
treatment plants and pipelines), waste-water management (sewer 
systems and purification plants) and solid-waste management 
(industrial/urban dumps and incineration plants).
During over 40 years of existence, VVB has prepared, organized and 
supervised the construction of 16 dams and weirs (with a total 
reservoir volume of 1,785 billion cubic metres) and 25 large 
hydropower stations. Additionally, VVB has secured flood management 
and protection for large regions of the East and South Slovakian 
plains, as well as fresh-water supply systems for entire regions. 
Along environmental lines, in addition to several urban purification 
plants and waste dumps, VVB also completed the purification plant for 
Slovnaft's large crude-oil refinery in Bratislava.
Currently, VVB is preparing and supervising the construction of three 
fresh-water reservoirs and a water-power station on the Vah river. In 
november 1992, the Gabcikovo project- a part of the Slovak-Hungarian 
Hydro-electric System Gabcikovo-Nagymaros (HES G-N)- was put into 
operation. This challenging project was made possible through the 
provisions of a 1977 interstate treaty which allowed for the 
development of the Slovak-Hungarian border section of the Danube 
River. Although the common effort of both parties brought the project 
to virtual completion, disputes arose at the end of construction, 
making the operation of the HES G-N a controversial matter.

Hydro-electric System Gabcikovo-Nagymaros (HES G-N)

Basic Data and Facts

Characteristic flows of the Danube in Bratislava

(cumecs-m3, 5.1):min: 570, average: 2060, max (1%): 10600, max.max 

The Preparation of the Project:

The multipurpose development of the Slovak-Hungarian section of the 
Danube between Bratislava and Budapest has been studied since 1950. 
Surveys, research, optimisation and feasibility studies for the HES 
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros began in the early sixties. The first 
'Bioproject' (EIA) was completed in 1976, the second in 1984. A 
bilateral 'Presidential Treaty' for the construction and operation 
for the HES G-N was signed in 1977 Designs were elaborated by both 
sides in consultation, if any problems arose, leading national and 
foreign specialists were consulted.

The Main Purposes of the HES G-N

The reasons for the construction of the System include: Flood control 
(following the request of inhabitants after the catastrophic floods 
in 1954 and 1965), improvement of the Danube international waterway 
in its ford-section (on the recommendation of the Danube Comission) 
and the environmentally safe production of electricity (doubling 
Slovakia's production based on hydraulic energy and increasing its 
utilisation from 30 to 60 per cent). The construction of dams on the 
upstream section of the danube practically stopped the inflow of 
solid material (gravel and sand) causin the dramatic erosion of the 
river-bed downstream of Bratislava in the 1980-s. Stopping this 
process, which also caused the lowering of the adjacent ground-water 
table, became a basic condition for saving the Danubian meadow 
forests and old river arms before their complete drying up. 
Additionally, halting this erosion was important for maintaining 
navigable conditions through Bratislava and protecting foundations of 
bridges and of the city's buildings along the Danube bank.

The Conditions of the 1977 Treaty:

The provisions of the 1977 Treaty include the financially equal 
allocation of works and equal distribution of the energy produced. 
Both parts of the HES G-N form an inseparable unity, because the main 
goals of the project can be fully achieved only after completion of 
the entire system. Because of the different sizes and functions of 
the Gabcikovo and Nagymaros parts of the system and as neither side 
has direct access to the main structures situated on the territory of 
the other side, the main the main structures were declared to be 
common property. Each treaty partner is fully and solely responsible 
for keeping the agreed timing of construction and maintaining the 
quality of structures allocated to him. The treaty also allows the 
Danube waters in the Gabcikovo section to be diverted to Slovak 
territory, without changing the border line. The guaranteed flow in 
the old river bed was agreed to 50 cubic metres per second (cumecs) 
in winter and up to 200 cumecs during the growing season. Measures 
compensating the impact of diverting the majority of water into the 
canal, form a part of the Hungarian share of works.

The Main Structures of the Original Scheme (according to the Treaty): 

The Dunakiliti Weir situated at river kilometre (rkm) 1842 (equipped 
with 7 taintor gates 24 x 8m and an auxilliary ship-lock 24 x 125m) 
together with peripheral dams create a reservoir 26 km long up to 4 
km wide, with a total/useful volume 243/60 hm3 and 60 sq km surface. 
The bypass canal which ends in Palkovicovo (rkm 1810) is 25 km long 
(the headwater canal 17 km and the tailwater canal 8 km) with a 
capacity of 5300 cumecs. The canal hydropower station (HPS) with 8 
vertical Kaplan turbines and generators with total installed capacity 
of 720 MW should produce yearly, on average, 3 billion kWh of 
electric energy, two thirds of peak quality. Twin ship-locks situated 
on the left side of the HPS 34 x 275m, designed for a difference of 
water levels 16 to 22 m, enable navigation through the canal, 
bypassing the ford section of the Danube.

Nagymaros: The river step situated in rkm 1696, with weir and ship-
locks of the same size and stilling reservoir of the same 
total/useful volume as Gabcikovo. The run-of-the-river hydro power 
station has a hydraulic capacity of 2800 cumecs and operates at a 
head of 3.2 to 9.6 m. Equipped with 6 horizontal turbines with bulb 
generators it has a total installed capacity of 158 MW and should 
produce yearly on average 1 billion kWh of baseelectric energy. 
Deepening of the river-bed included a 20 km long section in the tall 
of the reservoir and 39 km downstream of Nagymaros.

(folyt. kov. hetfon)
+ - utoirat (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ami lemaradt...

A cikk szep kepekkel illusztralt, az elso kepen apacak lathatok, 
amint buszke-boldogan tekintenek le a Mure valahol a zsilipeknel,
a masodik kep egy legifelvetel az eromurol, amely egy erosen 
bedontott repuloszerkezetrol keszult, ugyhogy nagyon latvanyos, a 
harmadik az eromuvet abrazolja az alvizi oldal felol, a viz 
szintjeben felvett kepen, az eromu mogotti sziklakrol, ettol a Mubol 
kijovo viz egy vad hegyi folyo lenyugozo latvanyat kelti <csak mi 
tudjuk, hogy ez nincs igy>, a negyedik kep pedig a zsilipek bejaratat 
mutatja a felvizi oldalrol, a kepen embernek csak a Muben 
megtestesult nyoma latszik, a vizben, a kep elotereben pedig hattyuk 
uszkalnak haboritatlan nyugalomban (szumma 6 darab).

Udv.: Kerey Peter